Kingsport Housing & Redevelopment Authority - To transform and empower communities

Policies and Procedures

KHRA Public Housing Policies and Procedures

The following is list of policies and procedures that are available for download in PDF form. To open the PDF, click on the form name you’re interested in.

Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, or Stalking – The Violence Against Women and Justice Department Reauthorization Act of 2005 (VAWA) protects qualified tenants, participants, applicants, and family members of tenants, participants and applicants who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking from being denied housing assistance, evicted, or terminated from housing assistance based on acts of such violence against them.
Emergency Transfer Request Form

Criminal Trespass Policy – KHRA will prepare and maintain a Criminal Trespass List containing the names of individuals who have been banned from the KHRA property. This policy governs the compilation of that list.

Pet Lease Policy – Prior to accepting a pet for residency, a pet owner and KHRA must enter into a “Pet Agreement”. The pet owner must provide to KHRA proof of the pet’s good health and suitability under the standards set forth under “Basic Guidelines”. Also, for the case of dogs and cats, proof must be given, and renewed annually, of the animal’s licensing and vaccination record, together with proof of spaying or neutering.  Pet Form

Grievance Procedure – Grievances shall be handled in accordance with the PHA’s approved Grievance Procedures. The written grievance procedure is incorporated into this document by reference and is the guideline to be used for grievances and appeals. 
Grievance Procedure Form

Parking Policy – There are no individual designated parking spaces in our communities, except for handicapped parking. The resident must park automobiles and other motorized vehicles in specified parking areas only, in accordance to this policy. Parking Policy

Riverview Place Good Neighbor Policy – This Good Neighbor Policy illustrates the community standards that the residents of Riverview Place believe are necessary for the health, safety and peaceful enjoyment of every citizen as well as the stability of the neighborhood.

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