Fresh Start’s Family Self Sufficiency Program (FSS) and Life BRIDGE Program extends a big CONGRATULATIONS to our recent graduates of the STEPS (Steps to Economic and Personal Success). This course is a multi-media educational platform which features Lou Tice, internationally renowned author, educator and Chairman of The Pacifc Institute. The core of the STEPS education is contained in 15 video units, complemented by participant manuals and an extensive, independent-study audio follow-through program — a complete guide to self-suffciency.
The term “Hard Skills” has typically been used to identify concrete material or technical types of training, yet STEPS success can be credited in the development of the “Difficult Skills.” These “difficult” skills are the skills employers demand: great attitude, timeliness, dependability, honesty, willingness and cooperation.
Clients of the Family Self Sufficiency Program and The Life BRIDGE Program are able to participate in this course at no cost to them. If you would like more information on how to enroll in the Family Self Sufficiency Program or the Life BRIDGE Program, please contact:
David Saunders, FSS Coordinator), 423-392-2526
Leah McDavid, FSS Coordinator, 423-341-0812
Christy McMakin, Life Coach, 423-378-2938
Last modified: October 1, 2019